Sunday, January 13, 2019

Walkabout Town on a Wet Sunday

It was a rainy weekend, both Saturday and Sunday for the most part of the day. There was a short cloudbreak forecasted on Sunday so I took advantage of it after waiting all morning. By the time I reached downtown it was still raining and darks clouds were hanging around. They didn't go away until about late in the afternoon around 2pm ... sunset was around 4.30pm this being a typical winter's day.

I spent only a couple of hours walking around the usual haunts with the Sony A7S  and Summicron 50mm/2.0. Focussing was rather tough in gloomy light, it got a bit easier around f/5.6 and when it got a bit lighter as the day progressed. Focus peaking doesnt help much, more like distracting in my opinion. The lens very sharp by the time it gets to f/5.6 ... I didn't bother going further to f/8.0 considering the lack of light as it is.

It's kinda fun looking around for pictures ... there weren't that many people around in the center today. I've almost forgotten how joyful it is to stumble upon a picture that you know is would perfect, and you canned it. I missed a couple today : the kissing couple at the train station (I respected the privacy of the young couple), the swan lady (got it but out of focus at f/2.0), the narrow alleyway (I wasn't decisive in chasing after the shot).

Resting swans.

A raven said "Hello!" from above me.

The swan lady was feeding her charge, she's in black btw.

Three swans in backlight.

Pigeons at the water.

I just missed a subject in this narrow alley.

A path leading to nowhere in particular.

Lady in the red jacket.

A larger than life crow.

Pigeon haven.

A Kurdish man being friendly with the locals.

I am visiting from northern Iraq.

The low position of the sun in winter gave the surrounding a nice warm cast with long shadows, at least when the sun comes out. Today the sun did just that though rather briefly. The Summicron did OK for an 75 year old piece of glass. I think the lens is perfect for black and white, which also works well for that understated look in color as shown amply in these images.

It's been a while since I came to the city even if it's only 10mins by bus from home. Crappy weather has always been a great excuse for being stuck on the sofa with a laptop most weekends.

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