Thursday, September 16, 2021

September Milkyway Stitchup

These are several Milkyway stitchups from the outing 02nd Sep 2021. I need to be more meticulous when collecting the collages of our big sky, probably more methodical as well.

These captures were pretty quick and shoddy in-and-out job as I was rather rushing it due to the limited time circa 4 hours (from 2300hrs and 0300 hrs the next day) I had. Milkyway movements are limited by the two center of light pollution (Eigersund and Sandness/Stavanger).

And there's also the travelling time of 2 hrs each way, by the time I got to site I was mentality tired especially towards the end of the session.

I left the house at 2100hrs, arrived at 1st location near Sinnes by 2300hrs just in time before MW crosses over Eigersund. Spend another one hour to travel to Lyseheia to arrive around midnight.

MW travels Westward from 2300hrs in the South to 0300hrs in the West, two sources of light pollution if shooting from the mountains ie Lyseheia would be Eigersund in the south and Sandness-Stavanger in the West. From this map it seems the locations is still from the coast ie. Sele or any dark spot between the two big LP centers.

Stitch up of 3 stacked shots, each shot is a stack of 5 single exposure shots.

Stitch up of 5 stacked shots, each shot is a stack of 5 single exposure shots.

Stitch up of 5 stacked shots, each shot is a stack of 5 single exposure shots. LP is from Sandness/Stavanger.

Milkyway on Youtube.

Milkyway chasing season this far North is short ... proper dark sky suitable for MW starts around 3rd week of August and ends 3rd week of November. By then winter is already knocking, eventhough the nights are longer the weather is far worst than Aug/Sep period with rain and dreary nights. On to top of that you have full moon. Roads to the mountains are also typically close by mid November. The coast are good go-to spots on clear nights except on fullmoon nights especially around October.

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