Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Family weekends for now

This is how it goes currently on the weekends with our family: Saturday morning is big hoo-haa of cleaning up the mess in the house from the previous week. The hoo-haa is because nobody claims their mess, it's always somebody else's mess.

After the initial chaos which normally ensues after breakfast all the way to lunch, things normally calm down a bit and the house all the more tidier. An hour or so after the shops opening, we will be heading to town for whatever relegated chores for the week : getting bus cards, getting library cards, shopping for the house, hunting for yet another jacket and the likes. If we have time, we'll go feed the ducks and gulls at whichever location closest to us then.

Normally by 4pm all tasks ticked off and wildlife at the lakes fed, we'd be discussing dinner options. Since it's Saturday our choices are fairly limited. Defaults are : if in town, proceed to a Kebab joint; if in Kvadrat, proceed to a Dolly Dimples; if close to home, it'd be either pizza at Skeiehagen or pasta at home.

Sunday however is more fun since we are free of all household obligations or any urges to shop since all shops are closed. We normally explore a new lake or go walking to enjoy the beautiful Norwegian sunny day if it happens to be a great weather day. With summer at the brink, it's all great Sundays so far.

We were al Lundsvagen previously, exploring Stokkavanet the other week and last week we walked the island of Bru.

At the library in town.

Sandneset in the morning.

Walking on Bru island.

Sheep in the sky on Bru island.

Soaking the sun on a rock near Sokn bridge.

Family portrait near Sokn.

Cloudy day at Tungenes.

Walking near Lundsvagen.

With the summer starting, weekends are going to be more hectic as the weather gets warmer. Gardening has now cropped up as an obligation now that we have a patch of grass in the yard and a little knoll around the house.

Both children has taken to this new tasks with gusto volunteering for grassmowing as well as weed extraction duties eagerly. This was especially so after they got a taste of the tractor grassmowing machine brought over by the landlord  ... everybody wants to be a farmer now!

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