Friday, May 3, 2019

May Milkyway from Hundvag

The first place we headed out to after moving to Hundvag was Lundenesset, a small park with sheep pasture facing the fjords looking out towards Tau/Jorpeland to the East and Amoy to the North. Over several years while living in Hundvag this spot has been a favorite of mine for taking pictures of birds, seascapes and the nightsky. It's fairly quiet on most days except on sunny summer weekends. Flying drones here is also rather safe without having to contend with other people especially early Saturday or weekday mornings and before sunset.

I headed over to Lundenesset for some early morning Spring Milkyway on one clear sky night this week. Though now it is fairly well lit (jogging path all around) I didn't see anybody else except for your's truly. Perhaps the time being rather late and the wind rather crummy and cold explained the situation a little bit.

The night chosen wasn't exactly ideal other than the fact that it was a fairly clear sky night. The temperatures went to as low as 4 deg C and to make it worst the wind was practically howling the whole time I was there!

With difficulty I managed to shoot with the light duty Panasonic LX100 as well as the night time tool Sony A7S paired with a recently purchased (used) Voightlander 35/1,2 for a few shots. The 6xcarbon Gitzo truly couldn't manage to tame the winds, I had to press down the tripod legs with both hands to keep it steady for each shot. Even then only a few shots survived the shakes.

Some of these shots are shown here. 

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