Thursday, May 31, 2012

In a new place for the kids

The house is small enough for us to be bumping into each other rather regularly. With four people to a house this size it's rather unavoidable. In Miri we all have a room each, large enough for us not to be bothered to come outside to quietly sink into our own little world doing our own little things. With the bedroom size now reduced significantly, the kids spend a considerable time outside in the common room together.

And with the warm summer weather, it seemed opportune to just spend it outdoors. Slowly we are get cozy with the place, the schedule and mild temperatures (so far). With Ali and Aisya having not yet attend school, we have plenty of time to be with each other.

Breakfast starts when the children wake up, normally by that time Mommy has already gone off to work. They'll start the day with a few hours of online study before breaking up for lunch prepared by Daddy. After lunch, we'll either explore the neighbourhood or the yard or the shopping mall depending on the particular requirement of the day (Mommy makes the list). By this time, the day's normally quite warm for the likes of us.

Schedules differ depending on mood; lazy days meant most hours spent indoors, furthest we go would probably be the local supermart. On adventurous days, we venture further outside the confines of our island. On super optimistic days, we send Mommy to work and explore what's out there after dropping her off at the office.

The gravel road leading to our new domicile.

At the Schlumberger AS office in Risavika.

Enjoying the sun at Sandneset near our home.

Ali dipping his feet in 20 deg Norwegian Sea.

At the water's edge, marinelife looks surprisingly lively with kelps, jellyfish, and shellfish.

A pastoral scene along walking paths in Lundsvagen.

The siblings.

Ali on a rock in front of our doorway, getting his sunshine. Photo by Aisya Nazeri.

The siblings feeding birds at Mosvannet on a particularly chilly morning.

The kids are slowly adapting to the more relaxed schedules. With the summer sun and hopefully sustained warmer (25-26 deg) temperatures, they'll adjust to the weather too. There's plenty of outdoor exploring to do before they start school later in August. At the start we enjoyed checking out the different items on the local supermart shelves. 

We've progressed from supermart to exploring the neighbourhood. We should be pretty local by the end of summer, at least that's the plan anyways.

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