Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cycling Sibuti Wildlife Sanctuary, Bekenu

There's crocs in them murky waters.
Both were mighty glad to see tarmac again.

Resting in the shade.

A most beautiful spot to snack and listen to the birds. The sanctuary is not 10 mins away.

The plan was to cycle all the way from SK Kpg Masjid to the Sibuti Wildlife Sanctuary Office, maybe go say "Hallo!" to Uncle Sunni and Uncle Remli at their worksplace. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.

This was the first time the kids had ever attempted off-road cycling. Though their tires were fat enough, the riders weren't used to cycling over gravel roads with potholes here and there. Perhaps it was too soon an introduction to dirt biking. It was unfair to say to least, it was their first double-track, my skinnies didn't like it either.

"It's bumpy ... my butt hurts!" was all that Ali managed to yell all the way to the hut half-way to the sanctuary. We didn't get to say hallo to Uncle Remli but bumped into Uncle Sunni along the path as we were leaving for the car.

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