Friday, January 31, 2020

January has just passed

Thirty one days of the 1st month of 2020 has just passed. And all those days I can't recall having done anything significantly outdoorsy on the acoount of the drizzle, the rain and pretty much gloomy climes. Part of it is winter and part of it is just the crummy hand dealt by weather starting way back in August of 2019.

Weekends have been completely claustrophic and non eventful. The highlight was probably the pumpkin-yoghurt-ricotta cheesecake and date ricotta cheesecake.  The rice apam didn't work out to well.

Typically by this time of year it would've snowed at least a couple of times. I don't mind not having snow and sleet which rare staples here anyway. The rain though has been relentless. The sun rarely comes out except for the few short days. Daily there are just clouds, grey days and occasionally replaced by wet windy day.

February is around the corner, things are looking up hopefully. Maybe more sun will show in the coming days, puffy white clouds instead of grey dull ones, bluesky instead of rain. Or maybe we will be blessed with a few days of sunny chilly weather ... cold dry days.

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