Saturday, November 30, 2019

Walkabout Sandness Sentrum

I thought a change of scene was in order, so on Saturday I took a trip by bus to Sandness Sentrum. From bus no. 2 swapped to bus no 6 at Gausel Sentrum which then took me directly to Sandness.

I was hoping to see frenzied shoppers shopping fr sales during the Black Friday shopping period which just started as well as perhaps some activities gearing towards Christmas. As it turned out shoppers weren't that frenzied and Christmas decorations weren't as festive as I had hoped. It looks just like every other normal Saturday in the center. There was a bunch of people from the Sailors Association singing Norsk and English carols on one corner; and also a lone Salvation Army guy in uniform soliciting donations for the festive season.

Activities will ramp up soon enough I presumed as the day approaches closer to Christmas and maybe when some sunshine appears. A bit of sunshine always urges folks to stir about a bit more here in Norway,

To make up for the less than expected actvities in the center I just ambled along the side streets looking for anything interesting that might be worthwhile photographing.

I found a bikeshop that carries folding bikes that I've been interested in. Also found a clothing store that has the winter jacket that could suitably replace the jacket I use for work as well as other outdoor pursuits.

In the end I extended the walk over to Lura bus stop traversing the Sandness Havn which from the looks of things has seen better days. Several waterside properties from the heyday of the port were up for sale. A few run down wooden stores, marine apartments were also on offer. Plenty of potential for a waterside development ,,, if only there are more people or activities around,

There's also a stately building from a bygone era going for NOK9,000,000, The beautiful property comes complete with a big garden at the back. Looks like a historical gem which could've been some family's stately waterside home. With an almost NOK3,000,000 downpayment requirement for someone my age to enter the game (rather late), it doesn't look like something I could afford. Oh, well, I am sure someone else can afford it!

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