Sunday, April 7, 2019

Further pushing the Star Adventurer

For normal Milkway shots with a wide angle lens on a tracker, it shouldn't be necessary to push the Star Adventurer beyond the 45sec or 60sec for trailless shots. I thought since I now know with accurate Polar alignment the Adventurer was able to achieve 45secs exposure without any trails, I ventured to test exposures beyond 45sec on the EF400mm. This might be useful for capturing images of Andromeda, Pleiades or Orion Nebula come next fall.

For this session I targetted Capella within the constellation Auriga. It was another clear sky night in Spring, though a tad foggy at lower elevations conditions around Auriga was clear.

122 secs, ISO 800

103 secs, ISO 1600

50secs, ISO 1600

Stack of 36 shots, each was exposed at 45secs, ISO 1600, pp in Gimp.

Stack of  5 shots, each exposed at 122secs, ISO 800, pp in Gimp.

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