Sunday, March 10, 2019

Searching for stars in light polluiton

After a few days of rain and emergence of sub zero temperatures, the sky showed itself again after the bulk of the moisture laden clouds moved south. Though not completely clear of clouds here and there the constellations were visible amidst copious amounts of light pollution from the city. It's hard to run away from these when you shoot from inside the dome of light pollution. You can clearly see it reflected off the clouds.

Parts of Gemini (Pollux and Castor) and Auriga (bright Cappella)

The city south of Hinna onwards towards Jatta and through Gausel, Forus and into Sandness.

The constellation Leo (bright Regulus)

It's hard to attenuate the efffects of light pollution, filters take you to some distance towards the solution but not fully. The gradient character  of these extraneous man made abomination obscures the true light from the stars and steal the true colors of the night.

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