Thursday, January 21, 2010

"RAN Campaign : Stop using oil palm that causes rainforest destruction!"

A reply from US company, General Mills after a targetted email campaign by Rainforest Action Network:

Communications At GeneralMills

Thank you for your e-mail. Please allow me to respond on behalf of General Mills.

General Mills shares your concern about the role of palm oil expansion in the deforestation of tropical rainforests. We are also concerned about the impact of deforestation on biodiversity and endangered species.

We have analyzed General Mills’ use of palm oil. General Mills does not purchase any palm oil directly. However, we do purchase ingredients produced from palm oil from suppliers. Overall, we calculate that General Mills’ use of palm oil and palm derivatives is modest – approximately .0004% of world exports.

Of course, responsible users of even small amounts of ingredients can impact such issues via principled purchasing practices. General Mills has engaged its suppliers in discussions about palm oil production. Each of our suppliers is also a member and supporter of the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil, and General Mills is further reinforcing the principles of the RSPO by limiting our purchases only to suppliers who demonstrably adhere to those principles.

In your e-mail, you acknowledged our positive position on this issue, including our support for a moratorium on palm oil expansion in tropical rainforests and our direct engagement of suppliers.

As principled purchasers, we agree we must continue to engage and monitor our suppliers on this issue – and we will continue to do so.

Again, thank you for your acknowledgement of our response and commitment - and for sharing your views on this issue.

Tom Forsythe,
General Mills Communications"

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