Sunday, September 17, 2017

Birthday present 2017 : Milkyway and Aurora

There's not much more i'd ask for my birthday. Annually I'd make a trip to the mountains for quiet sojourn in the woods on some not so popular trail, hide under a rock and listen to the bubbling stream and pitter patter of the rain drops, or just listen to the rustling of the wind on some secluded cliff or mountain top someplace.

This year was special ... well, I may have been blessed with similar occurences in past years too. This year it was an epic Milkyway as well as aurora birthday weekend up in the mountains.

Live video from Sep 2017, Sulaskard.

Timelapse from Sep 2016, Sulaskard,  at the exact same spot!

Timelapse day and night, Sep 2016.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Flying Fosseknuten with the Bugs3

We took up a cabin in Fidgeland and I tokk the opportunity to fly Fosseknuten 950m with the Bugs 3. Fidgeland has always been our favorite summer and autumn getaway spot. There's mountains and valleys to hike, scenic clouds to contemplate on as well as aurora, Milkyway and the stars to admire in a spot far away from light pollution.

Fosseknuten at 950m .... away from the maddening crowd.

Fidgeland with a maximum height of 1100m.

The Motland valley, fertile farmland.

Aurora at Sulaskard at 950m.

View from Cabin 48.

Aurora night at Sulaskard.